Viral Arthritis In 55 Years As GP Never Ever Seen Viral Fevers With Huge Joint Swellin Severe Pain. Explain? Treatment Please?

In 55 years as GP never ever seen viral fevers with huge joint swellin severe pain. explain? treatment please? - viral arthritis

I'm No. 80, 165 cm/69kg, man, dark, India, a knee periarthritis rt for 6 months under the supervision of a natural treatment, even w / o steroids / BP or diabetes or obesity. I cut 5july viral fever sweeping the country / world, joint involved. # 16July rt knee injury suddenly and threw me on the bed. and clean the tape all the big and small, Evry, joint pain and stiffness of the body, literally. slight fever .. cos throbbing pain and swelling on the ground, more than others i swelling diagnosis of septic arthritis, blood poisoning, and I have my car in amoxy heavy 4000 mg / day andjust proxyvon Darvon 2 / d. 21 mornig I limped out of bed, better. i never unbearable pain than NSAIDs EVR believced and weaknesses Aspirin Paracetamol # I do not want my doctor to visit friends cos need endless process coundnt are only out of bed in the doses too low, you are invited for admission. # Suffered In any physician or non-med person who actually made the pl response.


Nursen' said...

Get the performance tests. Medical professionals are the worst in the search for medical care because they may feel treated, or what to do if a crisis. Blow your pride and do what is necessary to find out what is wrong.

r_e_a_l_... said...

Stopping the medication.
They have poisoned himself.
Drugs are not food.
Discover what the macro-nutrients, minerals, vitamins are missing in your diet.

cindy132... said...

Besides the obvious go see a doctor, it seems that you suffer from arthritis in May Rhuematoid If so, you have one DMARD, stop disease rhuematic antirheumatic drug, to the damage. NSAIDs, which produces swelling and ease pain, but once it goes beyond a certain point, these medications are not effective. Consult a physician, is a method for diagnosis of AR, and it seems that you have suffered enough.

hobo_cha... said...

You Chikungunya arthritis. It is the only serious complication of chikungunya. You may not aspirin (for now you can) a hemarthrosis that reason, but must be given to the common desire to ensure that there have hemarthrosis and start taking chloroquine.

giggssoc... said...

can be viral. Check for parasites. Trichinella could lead to solve traffic problems. Fever may be the result of extensive involvement trichinoworm. Typically, the virus residing in the brain, causing inflammation of the knee. but if it viral, I can not think of anything else that can cause meningitis, but may be too late if it so bad. Note: There are several types of meningitis infection, amoebae, viruses and bacteria.

goldwing said...

They will not be diagnosed? What makes you so sure that you have a fever, viral and streptococcal NO? simply because everyone has something does not mean that you can do. What you describe is very similar to untreated strep ... R. arthritis. ! And I do not rule out parasites. They should be lost ... You know better, and I am still receiving medication and is not improve. You need to thoroughly test before they continue, you know. The fluid in the knee, should be considered, you must test your blood for parasites and streptococci. The lymph nodes are examined.

goldwing said...

They will not be diagnosed? What makes you so sure that you have a fever, viral and streptococcal NO? simply because everyone has something does not mean that you can do. What you describe is very similar to untreated strep ... R. arthritis. ! And I do not rule out parasites. They should be lost ... You know better, and I am still receiving medication and is not improve. You need to thoroughly test before they continue, you know. The fluid in the knee, should be considered, you must test your blood for parasites and streptococci. The lymph nodes are examined.

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