Backyard Drinking Fountain Does Anyone Have Natural And Non Toxic Ways For Keeping Algae Out Of A Water Fountain?

Does anyone have natural and non toxic ways for keeping algae out of a water fountain? - backyard drinking fountain

I have a decorative fountain in the courtyard of my house, my dog is drinking. I must find a way to maintain the growth of algae in the source. I used blocks of the pond, but is toxic to humans and animals. I have also tried Algefix, but that does not seem to help. Ideas?

Thank you!


noonecan... said...

First, clean the battery. Take a few stems of fresh cut lavender and daylilly few leaves and bind them together and put in the source. I know this might sound silly, but I do every summer in my bird bath and it works.

noonecan... said...

First, clean the battery. Take a few stems of fresh cut lavender and daylilly few leaves and bind them together and put in the source. I know this might sound silly, but I do every summer in my bird bath and it works.

alien_bm... said...

if the source is sunlight, the algae grow much faster. Wash regularly with a soft brush is not the most toxic. If you have an aquarium, a fish eat the algae can then work until you eat all the algae. Most sources do not have adequate filtration to keep the fish permanently. Some fish eat Plecostomus (eg algae) can be very large (12 inches) grow

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