Why if the annealing temperature of PCR is too low then it won't work? - annealing temperature too high effect on gel
When the annealing temperature is too low to non-specific binding (binding sequences cause unnecessary) primers with the DNA template. In addition, provision of the additional DNA strands can each mood.
The temperature must be such that they are sufficient to prevent the annealing of DNA and to be the nonspecific binding and must be low enough to facilitate the specific binding of template-primer.
Annealing Temperature Too High Effect On Gel Why If The Annealing Temperature Of PCR Is Too Low Then It Won't Work?
11:03 PM
Well, if the annealing temperature is too high, are not enough to ignite the primer, so that product performance is not high. Conversely, if the annealing temperature is too low to start the primers to specific sequences of type (or those who are "close enough"). Thus, the chain end product that is not purely representative of the desired end product.
# Http: / / www.mcb.uct.ac.za / manual / pcroptim.htm annealing
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